Sparkle Anwyl: Comic Book Heroine?

I’m busy revising my WIP, Fevered Fuse – Book 1 in my Snowdon Shadow series – following some invaluable feedback from my three beta readers, which is allowing me to hone the novel some more.

Among the comments was an intriguing one from my diligent queer diversity reader:

Sparkle’s character is so strong and is so appealing, esp. to the younger generation who also love anime and comics, I wondered if you have considered getting an illustrator to have a look at your book and possibly create a comic book character out of her as well? I have a background in merchandising and I just kept thinking how unique and sexy Sparkle is – she could be perfect for merchandising, if you were interested in going that direction.

So, I pursued the idea – well, the first step on an intriguing road. I approached Jonathan Temples – the illustrator who did the cover for my debut novel, Spiral of Hooves and much more for other clients, and I asked him for a concept image.

What do you think of his image below? What does it say to you? What mood does it evoke? Which character is which? Where are we? Do you want to open the pages and read on? Or is this not how you envisage my characters?

Graphics by Jonathan Temples –

Okay, I’m trying to let you react before I say more.

This echoes a scene in the novel – with a little bit of artistic licence. For me – and my wife – it captures the right mood, the Welsh setting, and the two main characters. Jonathan made some suggested changes, but his initial drawing provided the right starting point.

But where do WE go from here?

Sparkle Anwyl and Kama Pillai need your input, please

Insider Writing Tips for the IWSG 2020 Anthology Contest ~ Part 1

Today on the IWSG Anthology blog, fellow author and blog-co-ordinator, Louise MacBeath Barbour has excelled herself with more great content, including links to everything anthology-inspiring.

First, some insider writing tips for the Insecure Writers Support Group’s 2020 Anthology Contest.  Over the next two weeks my fellow 2019 winners, featured in this year’s anthology Voyagers:  The Third Ghost, will share their tips.

Plus, there are some insider writing tips from our inspiring leader, IWSG founder Alex J. Cavanaugh, someone who has read the entries for all our published anthologies.

Then, a reminder of the 2020 Contest’s SF theme – Dark Matter.

Anyway, you can burrow further at:

Reasons to Enter ~ Part 2

As promised last week, today on the IWSG Anthology blog, fellow author and blog-co-ordinator, Louise MacBeath Barbour has excelled herself with more great content, including links to everything anthology-inspiring.

First, there’s a reminder of the 2020 Contest’s SF theme – Dark Matter.

Then, the second group of my fellow writers selected for Voyagers:  The Third Ghost give reasons why IWSG members should consider entering the contest this year. My reasons stand even ore now.

And there are other links/rabbit holes to pursue. Well, you can burrow further at:

Reasons to Enter an Anthology contest ~ Part 1

Today on the IWSG Anthology blog, fellow author and blog-co-ordinator, Louise MacBeath Barbour has excelled herself with some great content, including links to everything anthology-inspiring.

First, some of my fellow writers selected for Voyagers:  The Third Ghost give reasons why IWSG members should consider entering the contest this year. Then, more on the 2020 Contest, and finally links to–

Well, you can delve further at:

And at Thoughts in Progress, Mason Canyon has posted Part 2 of the thinking behind the stories of the other five authors included in the anthology, Read more at:

Mystery Author Spotlight

Today I’ve been interviewed at Laura Wolfe Books on why I’m a mystery writer. But there’s more revealed such as the issues driving me. Here’s the link if you’re curious:

Voyagers – a review

I’ve been celebrating since May 5th, 2020 when the IWSG Anthology Voyagers: The Third Ghost: The Third Ghostwas released to the world. Yet, back when the 2019 competition was announced, I hesitated about entering a story as I’d never written any Middle Grade fiction.

Eventually, I was gently persuaded to write something. But I was surprised to be among the 10 chosen authors in this anthology. Voyagers was inspirational to be involved with, and it proved a chance to meet and work with nine talented writers – and a great editor.

So, I may be tempted to create a 2020 submission. Anyway, here is my review, now I’ve read and enjoyed every phrase of this wonderful collection.

Voyagers: The Third Ghost


Yvonne Ventresca (Goodreads Author),

Sherry Ellis (Goodreads Author)

Bish Denham (Goodreads Author)

Charles Kowalski (Goodreads Author)

Katharina Gerlach (Goodreads Author)

Roland Clarke (Goodreads Author)

Rebecca M. Douglass (Goodreads Author)

Beth Anderson Schuck (Goodreads Author)

Louise MacBeath Barbour

L.T. Ward

Journey into the past…

Will the third ghost be found before fires take more lives? Can everyone be warned before Pompeii is buried again? What happens if a blizzard traps a family in East Germany? Will the Firebird help Soviet sisters outwit evil during WWII? And sneaking off to see the first aeroplane – what could go wrong?

Ten authors explore the past, sending their young protagonists on harrowing adventures. Featuring the talents of Yvonne Ventresca, Katharina Gerlach, Roland Clarke, Sherry Ellis, Rebecca M. Douglass, Bish Denham, Charles Kowalski, Louise MacBeath Barbour, Beth Anderson Schuck, and L.T. Ward.

Hand-picked by a panel of agents, authors, and editors, these ten tales will take readers on a voyage of wonder into history. Get ready for an exciting ride!

Review 5 stars

Every one of these stories was different in style, historical period, use of plot elements, and varied appearances of the unexpected from folklore to time travel. Ten marvellous reads and not just for Middle Age readers as this finicky retiree can attest. This anthology kept me reading from cover to cover with minimal breaks.

1. The Third Ghost by Yvonne Ventresca

This poignant story set in 1981 kept me riveted through to the twist at the end, even though I sensed it coming – although, the foreshadowing was subtle and hidden. Yvonne Ventresca makes the costly tragedy of arson elicit our concerns for justice with powerful descriptions. The emotions pulled me through the journey, and her beautiful crafting of words had me in tears by the end of The Third Ghost.

2. The Ghosts of Pompeii by Sherry Ellis

The humour mixed with the historical morsels was entertaining. Bubba and Squirt are fun characters with wonderful banter – I loved the sticking-out tongues. The pizza thread is tasty too. The mix of elements from ghosts to time travel worked well and were neatly blended into this delicious treat.

3. The Blind Ship by Bish Denham

I related to this dark and emotional story as I grew up with abolitionist ancestors – so a conscience. Bish Denham has crafted a powerful and moving tale based on real historical events recorded by the twelve-year-old boy. Her youngster’s ability to see ‘Negros’ as humans and not slaves was rare but motivational. Tragically the terrors of slavery still exist. 

4. Dare, Double Dare by Louise MacBeath Barbour

Kids goading each other into an adventure provides a neat opening hook for this intriguing time travel tale. The story makes skilful use of 1600s Canada with its mix of French and Mi’kmaq culture, including language. These are neatly integrated, and a glimpse of history is included that few know about.

5. Return to Cahokia by L.T. Ward

In Return to Cahokia we are treated to heavenly magic with siblings creating weather – the Warm Weather Gods. L.T. Ward paints an atmospheric journey through her vibrant use of the sky, clouds, rain, wind, and sun. This story brings to life the rich Native American heritage of the Cahokia tribe blending mythology and archaeological fact.

6. Feathered Fire by Roland Clarke

Feathered Fire is my own creation so all I will add is it proved a worthwhile challenge merging history – heroic Soviet airwomen and tragic Ukrainian dilemmas during World War II – with the legends of the Zharptica (Firebird) a rich vein in Slavic folklore.

7. The Orchard by Beth Anderson Schuck

Beth Schuck has crafted an alluring story in The Orchard where nature flourishes in the face of disbelief. For me as a dedicated Green, I was captivated by Nels with her special connection to trees and other creatures. Dryads must be as real as portrayed here, even if most of us are blind to their blessings. A favourite among so many.

8. Simon Grey and the Yamamba by Charles Kowalski 

Although Japan with its extensive and deep culture are unfamiliar, Charles Kowalski brings his 1620s setting to life, balancing wonderful descriptions, living folklore – some scary – testing trials, and historical nuggets. Yet even this legendary monster echoes Western nightmares – the universality of folklore.

9. A World of Trouble by Rebecca Douglass

Back when aeroplanes were a once in a lifetime encounter, sneaking off to see one at a young age makes sense – sometimes. Throw in an impending disaster from floodwater, and you have Rebecca Douglass’s tension ramped A World of Trouble. The dilemma at its heart involves a realistic race against time.

10. Winter Days by Katharina Gerlach

Having seen the Iron Curtain between West and East Germany, I connected to this gripping tale of crossing that border and getting trapped on the wrong side. With her German roots, Katharina Gerlach has captured the family fears emanating from the greyness of the East and the father’s past. The use of ‘gray’ to colour everything is masterly as is the sense of cold becoming deep snow. However, humanity must shine through.

Title: Voyagers: The Third Ghost
Author(s):  Yvonne Ventresca, Sherry Ellis, Bish Denham, Charles Kowalski, Katharina Gerlach, Roland Clarke, Rebecca M. Douglass, Beth Anderson Schuck, Louise MacBeath Barbour, and L.T. Ward
Publisher: Dancing Lemur Press
Pages: 168
Series: No

Story – five stars

Setting/World-building – five stars

Characters – five stars

Authenticity – five stars

Structure – five stars

Readability – five stars

Editing – five stars